Mutate to display stations along a route

Whenever the recommended stations along the route are not enough, it's possible to show additional stations along the route. To render these, all that is needed is a radius along the route.

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Steps to take

  1. Plotting a route with stations along a route starts by executing the newRoute mutation. This mutation requires information about the car, origin and destination. To support stations along a route, the stationsAlongRouteRadius argument needs to be provided. After the mutation is finished executing a route id will be returned.
  2. This id can be used to request route updates through the routeUpdatedById subscription. This subscription receives dynamic updates.
  3. After the subscription returns done as status, the stationsAlongRoute field can be used to plot stations around the route on the map. Apart from the stationsAlongRoute, the polyline and legs object can be used to display the route and recommended charge stations on the map. Additional data such as distance, duration and consumption are also available.

Next steps

With the stations along the route feature, there will always be a station around the corner. To improve the usability of these stations, preferred operators will be explained in the next step.